Contact one of our sales representatives today and ask about our Coach Pontoons! See what we have in stock, or we can work through the current catalog of Coach options together to design the perfect fit for you. The quality of Coach Boats continues to go unmatched across the U.S. and we’re happy to bring Coach options to the Northwest. Fun Unlimited is your primary source for Luxury Coach Pontoons in the PNW.
Coach offers a 10 year Bow to Stern Warranty! Our Coach Pontoons are American-made and guaranteed to impress, paired with Honda Outboard Motors, which boast high performance and reliability with a 5 year manufacturer warranty, but Coach offers a 10 year motor warranty when purchased together.
Coach’s 2020 Catalog for 2021! Take a look inside to see what makes Coach great and get a peek at their newest designs! You can also visit their website at
Watch this walkthrough on a brand new 2021 Coach Sport-toon package and see the quality that Coach puts into their product.
Watch this review of 2017 Coach 250 RL Pontoon by